Dupa o repriza de fotbal, Andone a prins curaj si se tine numai de declaratii @13.93 cota

::publicat la 10-08-2016, 14:54 & ultima modificare la 00-00-0000, 00:00
JJK Jyvaskyla·Haka V.DG1 r1r2
IFK Norrkoping·HackenDG1 r1r2
HIFK·HJK HelsinkiDG2 r1r2
SERIE BILET (superbet): 998K-QYRW2O
Dupa o repriza de fotbal, Andone a prins curaj si se tine numai de declaratii @13.93 cota


The safest way to double your money is to fold it over once and put it in your pocket.
You don't gamble to win. You gamble so you can gamble the next day.